This game was made over ~7 days for the Desert Bus for Hope 2024 Game Jam.

The prompt courtesy of Jacob Burgess was "The journey, the aftermath, the horror of a Bug Splat"

The game takes a bit of time to load when played in the browser.


WS: To change speed

AD: To strafe

SPACE: To fly


Programing, visuals, writing and voice over: mischievous_magpie

Proofreading: My mom and dad (thanks mom and dad)

Notes for future self:

This was the first time I tried UV unwrapping and texture painting using blender and I learned a lot.

If I try to make another solo 3d game for a jam I need to make simpler models (the bus took me 3-4 days to make because of the interior).

I have no idea how you identify bottlenecks in a web build of a Godot project.

Do not try to add voice acting on the last day. Voice acting is hard.

I need to get better at coming up with gameplay for my ideas.


Desert 36 MB


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What fun! Hard to control but good fun.

On the subject of getting better at coming up with gameplay, I would recommend considering, once you know who and what the player is going to be playing as, trying to consider how that person or thing would view its own movement. Just given how they move, I don't think actual flies feel the physics of their own bodies much. As such, I would've recommended much higher acceleration with a straight cap on movement speed, so that the feeling of inertia is nearly non-existent.

This game is really hard!